- Hacen las dos páginas del tema 2 de my homebooklet. - Repasan la hoja de estudio: Hoja estudio unit 2 - Copian el project : My favourite sport: El proyecto del tema 2 de inglés consiste en escribir sobre su deporte favorito y las normas del mismo usando : - GRAMMAR :There is/are, can, - CONECTORES: and, but, also... - VOCABULARY: Throw , hit, catch, bounce, score,... Podéis seguir este modelo: My favourite sport is ______________. You play it with a __________. There are two teams and ________ players. One team/player throws the ball and the the other team/player catches it. You can throw, hit, catch.... the ball but you can't ___________________. The winning team is the team with_____________________________-. I love this sport because___________________. EJEMPLO: MY FAVOURITE SPORT My favourite sport is football. You play it with a football. There are two teams and there are twenty-two players . One player kick the ball and the other team tries to take ...